Ogun Art Print
Oya Art Print
Obatala Art Print
Yemoja Art Print
Sango Art Print
Sarsaparilla - 1 ounce c/s
The Alchemist Den tote bag
Larimar pendant with chain
Alchemy Gift Sets
Amethyst Pendant in Silver
Crescent Moon 7 Chakra Dream Catcher - 36" long
7 Chakra Hearts Crochet Dream Catcher 24"
Lapis Lazuli Pendant
Silver Sheen Obsidian Pendant in Silver
Moonstone in Silver
Labradorite pendant in Silver
Law of Attraction Cards
Getting into the Vortex Card Deck
MONEY AND THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: Learning To Attract Wealth, Health & Happiness
The Vortex: Where The Law Of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships
LAW OF ATTRACTION: The Basics Of The Teachings Of Abraham
7 Chakra Pendulum
Crystal Ball Pendulum
Pendulum with Chakra Chain
My Pocket Self Care
Good Juju
ENCHANTMENTS: Find The Magic In Yourself (new edition)
Orisha Statue - 5" tall
Runes - Black Agate
Runes - Wooden
Runes - Hematite
Wisdom from the Four Agreements - mini book